Discover The Top 10 Money Blocks and How to Eliminate Them So You Can Make More Money And Create More Abundance!
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Hello! I'm Alexandra Taketa.
I’m the Founder of Money Mastery Academy.
I coach and mentor women business leaders and entrepreneurs to master their money mindset, own their worth, and take profitable action steps to create a bolder business and a bigger bottom line.
I founded my company with one mission: to help women become abundant, wealthy, and empowered.
I’ve helped hundreds of clients across 5 continents use their soul's purpose, to create massive impact and make meaningful money. I'll show you how to improve your relationship with money so you can start earning more.
I’m excited to teach you the fundamental mindset shifts and practical business strategies that have helped me go from broke and overwhelmed to a massively abundant woman. I bring all my experience of 15 years in corporate as a 6 & 7 Figure earner, author, keynote speaker, coach, and CEO of 2 multiple six-figure online businesses to help YOU up level your money game!
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